Inscription Wave Race 2010

Advice to string your racket

Be Careful
In case you use a manual string machine, when stringing mains that don't extend a lot under tension, you must not force the counterbalance towards the bottom, because the string will break.
You must block th string with the counterbalance just above horizantal before loosening.
Crosses in multi are extremely soft, you need to take care of the extention of the string and not let the counterbalance fall down too abruptly. You should avoid to fold a mono string to keep the integretiy of the material.

If you want to increase the efficient game life of your strings:

First thing is to always string with 2 pieces; one for the mains and the other one for the crosses. You need to string in 4 knots. The advantage is that it keeps the tension of the mains from the crossings apart (the tension of the crossings is 25% to 35% inferior).

Second thing is to compensate the loss in tension, that is very high when you make the knots. The loss in tension on every knot is at least 8-10 kg. When you increase the tension with FOUR kg on the last and second to last string before making the knot, the loss in tension is minimized.

The third thing is to always string the crossings with 1 or 2 kg more tension as the mains.
This is contrarie to the habitus of most of the stringers. But our experience with professional tennis players convinced us of the validaty of this method.

The mains are drawn straight from the top to the bottom of the frame. The tension is equal on the entire string.
The crossings pass through the mains. This will increase the distance of the string. When you draw the crossings, there will be a friction on every passing with the mains. The tension that the machine will put in place is applied inequally over the string.

The average of a crossing tightened at 25kg will be only 17-18kg, when the mains will be tightened at 25-26.
By increasing the tension with 2kg for the crossings, the strings will be better in place, you have more control without loosing rapidity and the strings keep their tension approx. 30% longer.
Give it a try and extend the durability of your string with 50 until 100%.